23 January 2006

An Introduction...

And now...

For the real purpose of the blog. This is not going to be just a journal to display just my daily life, but it is also going to showcase some of my past work. It is likely going to showcase some of my new work, too. Come to think of it, I may just get a random moment of inspiration and head on over here to post something cool. Or negative. Or something inbetween, maybe... Who knows? I am going to try and put something new here every day. Anyhow, enjoy your stay, feel free to leave comments.

Since this all is about an INFP male, I should probably let you, the internet, in on just what that is, because a great deal of you have absolutely no clue whatsoever.

INFP is one of 16 MBTI personality types. Basically this one means that I am a touchy-feely nice guy that is 1%-3% of the total population. Basically there are 8 letters. E, I, N, S, F, T, J, P. They mean the following:

1. E/I - Extrovert/Introvert
2. N/S - iNtuitive/Sensing
3. F/T - Feeling/Thinking
4. J/P - Judging/Perception

The way this works is simple, you are one of the two in those 4 categories. Rather than really try to explain this all, because it's been done time and time again by other people, I will just linky you all to a site where you can take the test and get your letters.


Go forth, and have fun. I will say the results are highly accurate, and many companies out there have been using MBTI scores as a part of their hiring process. Its good stuff, unlike some other things out there that claim to tell you about you.

If you want to know about me, go
here. And here. And here, too.


At 29/1/06 09:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took your link test. I'm ISTJ so except for the I we are opposites .. hmm. Jennifer

At 24/11/08 09:43, Blogger Unknown said...

It is fun to do these tests just to see what "labels" you might fall under, but I don't take it too much to heart because change is always welcome...especially in the form of progress and these characteristics are relative to circumstance.
Thanks for the link...


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