09 March 2006

How May I Help You?

Aries: Controlling a situation and directing it are two very different things. Be respectful of natural timing and the needs of everyone around you, and you can help facilitate the most benevolent outcome possible.

Gee, even my horoscope says I am a controlling freak. Maybe I will just quit talking to everyone now.

On a totally unrelated note - my car is still in the shop. We had this huge-type hailstorm on 16 Feb, and my car has been in the garage since the 18th. I've had this crappy little rental car for 16 days now, let me tell you, that shit is expensive. Might as well have had two car payments this month.

It was actually ready Tuesday afternoon. When I got to the body shop, the hood was completely crooked and didn't match up with the rest of the car. There were some other places that were still broken too.. this after having my car for 14 days. Their response? 'Oops.'

Customer service is a lost art, definately.


At 9/3/06 23:39, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you on this one 100%...a lost art! If only more people found a simple enjoyment from offering a kind service in the form of common courtesy. It can actually make your own day a better one by improving someones elses day...if only.


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