07 July 2006

Time Served.

It's been another one of those exquisitely craptastic days. I mean, I have had some really crappy days before, but this one was truly the pinnacle of crapdom.

Ever had one of those moments in life where everything you thought was real and true, if even to a certain extent, all turned out to be completely the opposite? Apparently, I live in my own little delusional hope-filled happy-go-lucky world, and I just dream things up to care for and have hope about. It seems I have been doing this for some time. It also seems that I just may have actually wised up to it. Yay me.

I hate being blindsided. I hate sudden reversals of opinion, action, or feeling only to find out they weren’t sudden at all; just sudden to me, because you know, I’m delusional. I guess it could also be that someone wasn’t straight with me when they could have been, but… I don’t know. I would really hate to blame them, they couldn’t possibly ever do anything wrong in my book. Right?

So, I will dismiss the conversations and actions as rhetoric and empty gestures. I will take my one lesson from this all and move on. Actually, more like an affirmation, of why I do not open myself up to other people.

Karma paid me a little visit today, and she did a couple of you proud. Consider any lingering sense of injustice served.

On a positive note…

Okay, maybe tomorrow.


At 7/7/06 21:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had such a horrible day. Hope things get better for you.

At 8/7/06 09:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might be very surprised to know the true impact you may have had in others. Just because you can't see it, does not mean it doesn't exist. I hope these words allow you see things in a somewhat different light.

At 19/7/06 12:03, Blogger The Sanity Inspector said...

Gotta do what you can just to keep your love alive;

Try not to confuse it with what you do to survive...


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