Hey Buddy, How's it Going?
/Begin rant.
So, things have been really crappy lately.
For as much as I have happening at the moment in my life, there’s nothing going on. It’s such a strange feeling to have.
I am really upset with my friends. I don’t keep many, and the ones I do I try to talk with as regularly as I can. But, you see, I have this thing where I will only contact someone so many times before I will stop altogether and see if they contact me. I keep running into this problem where people just aren’t interested in me at all, friends or otherwise.
For the last three weekends, my phone rang just once, last Sunday night at 11.00pm. None of them come here anymore to even see if there’s a new post, and a couple have only been here once. They don’t have to contact me religiously, but damn.
Really not much else I can say about that. We all know it’s nice to be wanted, and I think we all know how it feels when it doesn’t seem that way.
/End rant.
I really don’t have anything interesting to write at the moment as my muse is on vacation.