12 September 2006

The Disclaimer.

Just to get a couple things straight here.

I write a lot of fiction. I have these little stories from time to time on this blog. Some are a collaboration of memorable events, some are just plain fantastical idealism. Sometimes I remember specific events in my life, and I write about them; not necessarily the way they happened, but the way I remember them. I think I've said that before somewhere.

Anyhow, for the few readers I have here, please keep that in mind when you read the works here. Chances are that unless I've told you specifically I am writing about you, or I've had some kind of major life change, it's all just some fantasy or idealistic scenario I've thought up in my head.

You know, because I am delusional and all.

Don't go off on me about it. mmkay? Mmkay, yeah thanks.


At 27/9/06 02:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, I adore your writing....that will never change.


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